How to resolve "morpho rd telemetry check unsuccessful" 

Device Registration Faild !! Press OK to retry

 or "device registration failed morpho" in Windows.

And "Key rotation unsuccessful" Alternatively "Telemetry unsuccessful"

Topic Cover : 

1. Morpho Device Registration Faild !! Press OK to retry 
2. Morpho rd telemetry check unsuccessful error 3. Morpho device Key rotation error

Step 1. It could be network issue, device is not able to connect to Management Server so please wait for some time (say 15-20 minutes) and try again. If you are still experiencing the issue continue Try This Go to C//Drive - MorphoRdServiceL0Soft - ConfigTime - And Setting Change Following _ 

;wait time for Registration Request failure , 1 sec is default time, Range:- 0 to 1 


;wait time for Telemetry Request failure , 1 sec is default time, Range:- 0 to 1


;wait time for Key Rotation Post Request failure , 1 sec is default time, Range:- 0 to 1


;wait time for Key Rotation PUT Request failure , 2 sec is default time, Range:- 0 to 1


;wait time for Device Registration failure/Telemetry Failure , 10 sec is default time, Range:- 0 to 10


Step 1. In Windows Machine: Please check and correct windows machine date time & time zone (UTC+5:30 Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi) and set date & time to automatic.

Morpho RD Registration Failed Press Ok to retry

Error message "Biometric scan did not match." after RD Service installation successfully with working fine status.

  • 1. Finger print is not given properly,
  • 2. MORPHO device Scanner has some dust accumulated,
  • 3. Fingers might be wet,
  • 4. Position of finger is not appropriate on Morpho device scanner.
        • Step : 
  • 1. Clean the scanner - There should not be dust on scanner and then capture again.
  • 2. Fingers must be dry or not wet while putting it on device and then capture again.
  • 3. Please change your position of finger at the centre of device and then capture again.
  • 4. Use any other finger also as there might be some cut on your previous finger.